These podcasts are generated from my lectures, videos and textbook on using various LLM's and tools such as openAI API and google LM. I am making an introduction and then my capable AI characters Buzz and Zara will discuss my textbook chapters or lectures.
At the moment, I serve as the *director* of these AI-driven podcast productions. My goal is to convert my textbook chapters, lecture slides and videos into podcasts using AI voices, including my own.
While these podcasts offer an engaging overview of the topics, active learning is still essential to fully grasp the concepts. The podcasts will introduce key ideas,
and deeper learning will come from your own active engagement. I welcome your feedback at Visit my web page at
Latest Episodes
Episode 0: Introduction
This is a brief description of this podcast series.
Episode 1: The Impact of AI
We will discuss the basics of data collection.
Episode 2: Data Collection
We will discuss the basics of data collection.
Episode 3: Text Processing
We discuss sentiment analysis and data similarty using vectors.
Episode 4: Data Types and Visualizations
This podcast discusses why understanding data types is so important to selecting the right visualization
Episode 5: Matrix Foundations of Data Science
This podcast discusses why understanding vectors and matrices are so important to becoming a data scientist